Set in a predominantly white middle class suburbia The Strays tells a story of race, betrayal and intergenerational trauma. Neve (Ashley Madekwe) attempts to escape from her black working class background to assume a new life as a middle class woman in a white society. She does this at the expense of her children and indeed her very identity. However, history is ever present and continues to reappear tormenting both Neve’s waking life and her nightmares.
It was in this nightmare space that the team here at Jam were able to help craft disturbing and eery effects. While also completed over 170 shots across this powerful and thought provoking film from feature debut writer/ director Nathaniel Martello-White.
It was a huge pleasure to work with Gerardine O’Flynn, Tristan Goligher and the whole team at the Bureau and Netflix.
Director and Writer: Nathaniel Martello-White
Producers: Valentina Brazzini, Tristan Goligher, Eimhear McMahon, Rob Watson
Post Production Supervisor: Geradine O’Flynn
Executive Producer: Evren Olgun-Knight
Line Producer: Angus Berryman
VFX Supervisors: Pete Young
Compositors: Mark Robinson, Jon Berridge, Chris Jones, Ken Macrae, Lem Lawrence, Dan Andrew,
CG Artists : Nicholas Smith, Zoubein Rana